“Growing Up In Oz”

In a series of humorous and touching stories, George has captured the essence of growing up in an unusual but loving family in the 1950s. It was a time of innocence in a country enjoying relative prosperity after the “war to end all wars” and not yet ready to face the tough decisions that the 1960s would present.

George is the lone survivor of that family of six, and the stories memorialize that remarkable group. They were a typical family in so many ways, bonded by love yet enduring their share of hardships, with both of his sisters beset with significant medical problems. Sadly, his three siblings died at a young age, but the stories capture the joy that all brought to the family. From engaging in a life of crime at age seven to the trials and tribulations of entering his teen years, George finds the humor in virtually every situation—how not to learn the facts of life, classic embarrassing moments, the world’s worst Christmas painting, discovering the secret of the family toy chest, and battling childhood monsters. The stories also reflect on the changes occurring in our country during that period—the cold war, racial integration, and the space race—from a child’s point of view. His detailed remembrances take us back to the awkward and challenging obstacles we faced growing up.